The Deloris C. Parsons Endowment Fund

The Deloris C. Parsons Endowment Fund, Inc.

The Deloris C. Parsons Endowment Fund was established in 2000 to honor Deloris C. Parson’s 39 years of service to the library and her vision for its future. The mission of the Fund is to provide ongoing support to the Kirtland Public Library in five areas: the expansion of services; the growth and enrichment of youth and adult programs; the update of technology; the maintenance and enhancement of the building & grounds; and the preservation of Kirtland’s history.

Deloris C. Parsons joined the staff of the Kirtland Public Library in 1960 as a Reference Librarian. She was appointed Director in 1968. During her tenure, she expanded the collection and the services; moved the Library three times; and was instrumental in raising funds for the present building which opened in 1992.

Mrs. Parsons was a visionary who created an excellent asset for the people of Kirtland, Kirtland Hills and Waite Hill. Library services continue to grow and change. Mrs. Parsons understood that, and through this fund continues to work very hard to make Kirtland Public Library outstanding. Each year we strive to evaluate the needs of the Library and donate to help with a desired library project that could not be accomplished from the Library's budget.


Value-Added Support

These are just a few ways The Deloris C. Parsons Endowment Fund, Inc. has provided support to the Kirtland Public Library:

  • Provided laptops, a Cricut and a 3D printer to enhance tech classes
  • Provided 25K for the assessment fee for the Kirtland sewer project
  • Purchased apple iPads for patron use
  • Provided funds to support the "1,000 Books Before Kindergarten" program
  • Purchased carpeting for the Community Room and tile for the inner lobby of the Library
  • Purchased a 'smart' TV for the Community Room
  • Purchased a gazebo for the west courtyard
  • Purchased computers for the Library staff
  • Donated funds for the purchase of two AWE Learning tablets.


Keep Her Vision alive by supporting the Deloris C. Parsons Endowment Fund


Board of Trustees

Kathryn Talty, President

Tom Meyer, Vice President

William L. Pastor, Treasurer

Catherine Levy, Secretary

Deloris C. Parsons

Kent Packer

Roberta Briggs

Missy Littell, Library Director, ex officio